Former US president Bill Clinton is due to visit Londonderry

    He is expected to make a speech on how to build economic prosperity during a brief stop in the city. His visit is in advance of a Washington summit on the Northern Ireland economy which will be hosted by his wife Hillary, the US Secretary of State.

    The summit is due to take place on 19 October and aims to encourage American business leaders to invest in NI. The Clintons have been long-time supporters of the Northern Ireland peace process and have made several high-profile visits in both official and personal capacities.

    This will be the former president's first return trip since 2004. It is believed he may meet the former SDLP leader and Nobel peace prize winner John Hume during his visit to Derry. Mr Clinton is due to travel to Dublin for another engagement on Wednesday evening. Last year, Hillary Clinton addressed local politicians at Stormont Castle in her capacity as secretary of state. Her visit took place during protracted negotiations on the devolution of policing and justice from Westminster to Stormont. At the time, she warned MLAs that economic progress was linked to the success of the peace process.Via : BBC.NEWS

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Former US president Bill Clinton is due to visit Londonderry

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