F-Car By Dario Cavaliere | Future Cars Design

    Future Cars Design - F-Car By Dario Cavaliere
    Future Cars Design - F-Car By Dario Cavaliere : Eco friendly is the way to go these days. Going to the extent of creating a car which caters to the needs of nature, but the eco friendly way. Zooming your way is the F-car, a fully electric car, powered by lithium ion batteries for high performances. This car is one magnificent piece of technology.

    Future Cars Design - F-Car By Dario Cavaliere
    Titled aptly as the car of the future, the body is created out of carbon fiber reinforced plastic, adding to the lightweight qualities of the car. If you wonder how the car is able to go upto a whooping speed of 200km/hr, then the feathery light body is the reason.

    Future Cars Design - F-Car By Dario Cavaliere
    Coupled with an amazing regenerative braking power, 268 horsepower capacity and 3319 lb-ft torque, this is one piece of metal which is a must own. One thing which the car lacks is the battery charging power. The lithium battery needs 6-8 hours to get a full charged up life, which will help cover a distance of 180 kms.

    Future Cars Design - F-Car By Dario Cavaliere

    Future Cars Design - F-Car By Dario Cavaliere

    Future Cars Design - F-Car By Dario Cavaliere
    Designer: Dario Cavaliere
    Via : Link
    Tags: Dario Cavaliere, eco car, Eco-Friendly Cars, electric cars, electric vehicle, F-car, fiber reinforced plastic, Fully electric car, future cars, Green Cars, green vehicle, lithium ion batteries

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F-Car By Dario Cavaliere | Future Cars Design

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