Paintings: Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour
    Check out these Great Paintings Touching Watercolor Art by Ben Tour. He now lives in British Columbia with his family. Artist Ben Tour has developed a series of watercolor portraits with touching character and expression. The Vancouver-based painter has been featured in galleries all over the world, starting from his first exhibition in Toronto, Ontario in 2000. His greatest work is in his touching watercolor portraits, a range that includes subtle colors and happy mistakes. See More Pictures Gallery Collections From his great art after break ...

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Paintings-Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

    Site: BEN TOUR

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Paintings: Touching Watercolors Art by Ben Tour

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