Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures (11 Pics)

    Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures
    These Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures artwork by Jamie Salmon and Jackie K. Seo from Avatar Sculpture Works specialise in hyper-realist sculpture, both figurative and portrait, utilising such materials as silicone rubber, resin, hair and fabric. see more pictures after jump.

    Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures

    Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures

    Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures

    Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures

    Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures

    Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures

    Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures

    Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures
    Realistic Sumo Sculptures

    Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures

    Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures

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Amazing Hyper Realistic Human Sculptures (11 Pics)

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