Twitter-Facebook leaves many people feeling 'Lonely'

    Twitter-Facebook leaves many people feeling 'Lonely'
    Twitter-Facebook leave people "More Lonely’ : ( LONDON ) Social media leaves many people feeling lonely, alienated and dissatisfied with life, according to American author Sherry Turkle.

    In her new book ‘Alone Together’, Prof Turkle from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) argues that despite the advent of social networking sites and text messaging our intimate relationship with technology has not translated into closer personal relationships between fellow humans.

    As a result, the Facebook status updates leave people feeling lonely.

    “These days, insecure in our relationships and anxious about intimacy, we look to technology for ways to be in relationships and protect ourselves from them at the same time,” Sky News quoted her as saying. (ANI)

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Twitter-Facebook leaves many people feeling 'Lonely'

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