Unusual Cellphone Concept - With Human Like Skin Cover

    Unusual Cellphone Concept - With Human Like Skin Cover
    Unusual Cellphone Concept - With Human Like Skin Cover :This cellphone has a human body shape and the rumors that we heard this phone will also use a material which is similar to human skin. It was Takashi Minato who develop this cellphone concept a Researcher from Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International. So how about the feature of this Cellphone concept?

    The Speakers placed at the head and there are LED lights on its chest that will display a certain color depending on the circumstances or the functions of the phone is in use.

    It is not known whether the human body shape that reflects a woman or a man but when the time is completed, the mobile phone with the human like body and skin like this will go on sale.

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Unusual Cellphone Concept - With Human Like Skin Cover

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