Electro-Air Hybrid Vehicle - Petra Project By Vasyl Sydoruk

    Electro-Air Hybrid Vehicle - Petra Project By Vasyl Sydoruk

    Electro-Air Hybrid Vehicle - Petra Project By Vasyl Sydoruk: The thought of exhausting non renewable sources of energy surely makes one go numb. Imagine a life when gas stations will be history and people coming back to bullock carts for transportation. Oops! What a scary thought especially in this fast paced world. To make your thoughts come to a halt, Vasyl Sydoruk, has designed a sail system called the Petra project, with a steady charging method. With an intention to craft a devise which will make good use of electro-air system of sails and vertical turbines, he came up with this fuel cutting device.

    Electro-Air Hybrid Vehicle - Petra Project By Vasyl Sydoruk

    Reversing into history, humans have always exploited the power of wind while sailing. Making use of the same power is Land sailing also known as sand/land yachting. In this a sail is brought into play, which powers the vehicle by wind, in turn making it travel across land. To top it all, sail recompenses resistance generated by upright turbines which refill the battery even when the device is static. Capable of moving on both coarse as well as level topography, this dual sail can easily touch high speeds. A perfect blend of regular sails and electric motors, it gives freedom from all external energy supply.

    Electro-Air Hybrid Vehicle - Petra Project By Vasyl Sydoruk
    So, next time when out on a long drive or even a trip, a gas station will not find a place on your list courtesy Petra project.

    Electro-Air Hybrid Vehicle - Petra Project By Vasyl Sydoruk

    Designer : Vasyl Sydoruk

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Electro-Air Hybrid Vehicle - Petra Project By Vasyl Sydoruk

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