Amazing Body Painting by Craig Tracy (20 Pics)

    Body Painting
    American artist 'Craig Tracy' who was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. Shapes of models’ bodies are an inspiration for his ideas. Some of his paintings use only human volunteers while on others he merges them with backdrops to give the display depth. Some of his creations are so complex it’s difficult to work out where the bodies start and the background begins . See More Pictures of body painting by Craig Tracy after break...

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

    Body Painting

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Amazing Body Painting by Craig Tracy (20 Pics)

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