Meet Ernestine Shepherd, 74-year-old woman with a six-pack

    Ernestine Shepherd, 74-year-old woman with a six-pack
    Meet Ernestine Shepherd' a 74-year-old woman living in the United States was recognized as the oldest female bodybuilder by the Guinness Book of World Records. Only started exercising at age 56. It's not too late to get in Fantastic Shape!

    Ernestine Shepherd, 74-year-old woman with a six-pack

    Ernestine Shepherd, 74-year-old woman with a six-pack

    Ernestine Shepherd, 74-year-old woman with a six-pack

    Ernestine Shepherd, 74-year-old woman with a six-pack

    Ernestine Shepherd, 74-year-old woman with a six-pack

    Ernestine Shepherd, 74-year-old woman with a six-pack
    Ernestine Shepherd at Yohnnex Capital Tournament of Champions Finals held in Washington, DC

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Meet Ernestine Shepherd, 74-year-old woman with a six-pack

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