Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People
    These Creative Photography of little People Project by Slinkachu: The street-based side of my work plays with the notion of surprise and I aim to encourage city-dwellers to be more aware of their surroundings. The scenes I set up, more evident through the photography, and the titles I give these scenes aim to reflect the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city, almost being lost and overwhelmed.” – Slinkachu

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People

    Creative Photography of Mini People
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    related :
    Creative Photography of Mini World

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Creative Photography of Mini People

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