Small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style "LOGMA"

    Small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style 'LOGMA'
    Logma is a small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style: According to Dr Hussien Al Jammazi, the word Logma itself means the small piece of food. The body is constructed from carbon fiber, the electric engines are installed on the front wheels. The spare tire can be found on the sunroof.

    Small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style 'LOGMA'

    Small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style 'LOGMA'

    Small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style 'LOGMA'

    Small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style 'LOGMA'

    Small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style 'LOGMA'

    Small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style 'LOGMA'

    Small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style 'LOGMA'

    Small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style 'LOGMA'
    Source: Link1. Link2
    tags: carbon fiber, electric charges, Electric Engines, Fiber, Hussien, lambo, lambo style doors, Logma, Logma Car, main goal, small car, spare tire, tire

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Small car design with 2 doors in Lambo style "LOGMA"

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