Awesome Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm | 19 Pics

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm
    Awesome Graffiti & Street Art by Phlegm: Born in North Wales and now residing in Sheffield, UK, cartoonist and illustrator Phlegm is well known for his self-published comics and amazing graffiti and street art. Many of the larger-than-life characters that adorn the walls he spray paints originate from his comics.

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti & Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti & Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm

    Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm


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Awesome Graffiti and Street Art by Phlegm | 19 Pics

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