Amazing close up 3D photos of insects (19 Pics)

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects
    Soldier turtle ant

    Check Out These Incredible macroscopic photos of insect. Steve Gschmeissner, 61, a retired scientist and photographer from Bedford, was able to increase the size of these insects by one million times using a scanning electron microscope. The results are Incredible close up photos of insect in 3D. see more pictures after jump

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects
    Dog flea

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects
    Common wasp

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects
    Wasp head

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects
    Human flea head

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects
    Bedbug head

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects
    Yellow dung fly head

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects
    Jumping Spider head

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects
    Tropical caterpillar head

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects
    Froghopper head

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects
    Honey bee head

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects

    Amazing close up 3D photos of  insects

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects

    Amazing close up 3D photos of  insects

    Amazing close up 3D photos of-insects

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Amazing close up 3D photos of insects (19 Pics)

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