Art Paintings on Old Floppy Disk by Nick Gentry

    Art Paintings on Old Floppy Disk by Nick Gentry
    Check Out This Amazing Art Paintings Made On Old Device by Nick Gentry, he is a British artist. He has exhibited in the USA and Europe. He creates floppy disk paintings and art from the obsolete technology of society while exposing waste culture, life cycles and identity. see more pictures after break..

    Art Paintings on Old Floppy Disk by Nick Gentry

    Art Paintings on Old Floppy Disk by Nick Gentry

    Art Paintings on Old Floppy Disk by Nick Gentry

    Art Paintings on Old Floppy Disk by Nick Gentry

    Art Paintings on Old Floppy Disk by Nick Gentry

    Art Paintings on Old Floppy Disk by Nick Gentry

    Art Paintings on Old Floppy Disk by Nick Gentry
    Like his Work Check this Nickgentry WebSite
    tags: art paintings, old floppy disk, old device, floppy disks, Nick Gentry

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Art Paintings on Old Floppy Disk by Nick Gentry

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