Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities

    These celebrities rank among most unpopular, according to Reuters and Ipsos. Reuters and Ipsos released the polling equivalent of a high school cafeteria seating chart and announced the 10 Least Liked Celebrities in the United States. Some of the names are a bit of a surprise… actually no they’re not.

    Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities
    10. Lebron James

    Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities
    09. Donald Trump

    Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities
    08. Mel Gibson

    Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities
    07. Kim Kardashian

    Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities
    06. Tiger Woods

    Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities
    05. Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities
    04. Kanye West

    Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities
    03. Britney Spears

    Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities
    02. Charlie Sheen

    Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities
    01. Paris Hilton

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Top 10 of Least Liked America's Celebrities

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